Marijuanas grow up to about June, but they can also be out of place from April through July. I find they turn white in June, and then it can go on for two to three weeks. That may be the reason they’re known as floribunda flowers. Their flowers can last a year, but when they grow up to four feet tall, they become very tall. In the north, they show up in the fall, because the leaves have to cool down before they’re ready to flower again. In Southern California, they bloom into late fall, but once their pods are green at about July, they start flowering.
If you have marijuanas plants, you can cut the flowers when they begin to bloom. You can then store them in the freezer. If you want to plant them, just cut two of the leaves off each plant. You can consider watering them, but you can also keep them watered in a small pot or a garden hose. If you prefer to plant marijuanas where they’re less visible, you can plant them closer to the shade. With hot weather, we tend to have blossom failure when we’re planting them in direct sunlight. We’re not sure why this happens. Probably it’s because seeds or shoots get in the sun, and when it’s too hot, the whole plant softens and goes brown. They don’t bloom in direct sun all year long. You can even find them in the fall if you’re planting marijuanas outside.
If you’re planting marijuanas now, don’t kill the flowers. They will eventually come back to life. They’re not something you might want to keep for an entire year. After they start their buds and comes up, you can water them throughout the summer. You don’t want to water them until the buds come up, because they’re pretty small and hard to measure. One thing you don’t want to do is overwater marijuanas. It’s not like a regular garden. You never know what you’re going to do if you can’t water them, and you don’t want to overdrag seedlings. So just be careful.
Marijuanas are great plants, but the bloom is so good, most folks don’t enjoy it. They even call it a silly sort of plant. Don’t they? I think you’re looking for something more serious than some silly sort of plant, like one that’s trying to break into Los Angeles so we’re all going to see it every summer from now on.
So do marijuanas turn white because you have to water them all summer long? Not necessarily. If you plant them in shade, be careful. There’s almost always a chance that they’ll turn white if they’re overwatered. On the other hand, you can even grow marijuanas close to the sun in the fall, and when the petals start to open, they start to brown. You don’t want to do this.
I’ve also been guilty of not watering my marijuanas if the sun is too hot, but that’s a problem only if you plant them in direct sunlight. It’s OK to water them if you have a big root system, but if you have very little root space, you won’t be able to water them consistently.
Many people buy marijuanas for a little February or March bonus, but I don’t grow marijuanas that way. Here in Maricopa County, the government will pay you $5 for every weed marijuanas clones Los Angeles you cut on a Saturday in early March. We sometimes cut marijuanas all spring long when it’s really hot out, so if you have a good plant, you won’t mind buying marijuanas for that reason.